Where to mount the SCATT sensor on a rifle?

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Bronze in English championships 10m AR
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SCATT Experience
3 years
May 6, 2020
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I use SCATT with an Anschutz 9015, which has a dedicated SCATT rail right at the end of the barrel, so that's where I mount the sensor. I'd never really thought about doing anything else but found myself wondering:

Where is the best place to mount the SCATT sensor on a rifle, and why?
Skill Level
Amateur/Hobby Shooter
Primary Discipline
Air Rifle
SCATT Experience
3 years
Mar 10, 2020
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Afternoon Tom,
There are some thoughts that the sensor is actually recording movements which originate from the shoulder and it will provide good results, even if it is placed nearer to the rearsight, if that is physically possible.
The MX-W2 and MX-02 are able to be positioned in any rotational angular position around the bore as long as they have a clear FOV. There are some that I have seen have been fitted onrto a rail extension to the side of the rearsight.
Have an experiment to see where you are happiest.
Your highest shooting achievement
Bronze in English championships 10m AR
Skill Level
Amateur/Hobby Shooter
Primary Discipline
Air Rifle
SCATT Experience
3 years
May 6, 2020
3 Posts
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Thanks, John. I'm happy with it mounted on the "official" SCATT rail on the barrel extension but would be interested to know if anyone has any particular reason why they mount it elsewhere.
Your highest shooting achievement
10m pistol French Championship qualifications
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Amateur/Hobby Shooter
Primary Discipline
Air Pistol
SCATT Experience
3 years
May 13, 2020
222 Posts
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On a pistol the sensor has a significant effect on the center of gravity and the rotational inertia. Therefore you may like to put the sensor furthest from the center (far end of the barrel) if you shoot precision, and conversely closest to the center (rear of the barrel) for speed shooting. I don't suppose it will make such a difference on a rifle.