Having trouble getting mx-w2 to register shots in live fire

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Jul 16, 2020
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Here is a picture of the target. Far white square in the shade.



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Here is a picture of the target. Far white square in the shade.
Hello there,

The session on the video was with or without the Iris diaphragm?
Also, could you tell me when are you going back to the range, please?
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Hey Peter,
I used the iris diaphragm during the video string of fire. I headed back to the range today.


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I used the iris diaphragm during the video string of fire. I headed back to the range today.
Kind of an unusual case to be honest, since everything looks solid during the calibration and then rapidly goes south as soon as you enter the actual Match. I will consult with my coworkers and get back to you ASAP

Meanwhile, try a string without a diaphragm (overall environment doesn't really demand it in my opinion)
Also, try exiting the target completely after every shot. Take a shot, then exit left/right/into the ground then reload there totally outside of the aiming black and come back to the exercise

Try changing frequency in settings
Most likley won't have an effect at the range, but worth a shot

Do you have a supplied USB cble with you today?

Perhaps, there's something wrong with the WiFi mode/laptop's module

If you shoot a string in yellow mode (direct USB connection) and everything turns out much better, it would be quite insightful ;)
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Hey Peter,
So had success today all shots recorded. I changed three things (so much for experimental design!). 1. Used yellow mode with the usb cable. 2. Went back to the original expert version that came with unit (19.10.25) 3. I removed the iris diaphragm.
I also got the recorded trace on each shot.
I did follow your advise and did cock/decock out of the sensor FOV.
When I have time I will test the other combinations 1) Blue mode / old software 2) Blue mode / new software and 3) yellow mode new software; then I will report back. Probably be next week.
I included a screen recording, has my preferences, the diagnostic info, calibration, sighters and match shots.
Thanks for your help,



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Hello there,

Yep, checked out the video and the traces are perfect (so it's not a camera/lens malfunction).
Very happy to hear that it's working!
I think the fact that you removed the Iris played a big role in the success together with exiting the target after each shot (which effectively resets the trace and really helps the sensor

However, we can't rest the case until the blue mode (direct WiFi) also yields the same results

By the way, could you also snap a pic showing how and where the sensor is mounted on the gun, please?
It's probably a stretch considering your rifle/exercise, but just FYI - sometimes when a shooter mounts his sensor too close to the rifle's pressure regulator/gas cartridge, it reflects or blocks the vast majority of the signal in WiFi mode. I don't think that's the case when it comes to your practice, yet I feel like any bit of info might be useful

Keep me posted at your convenience and have a fun weekend :)
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So Peter,
I tested blue mode today with the older expert software. It worked until the 4th string then no pickup of shots. Then, I switched to yellow mode and all shots were registered. I will get a picture of my scatt attachment next time I am out.
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Hello Steve and Peter,
I had similar problems. The problem was solved when I used bright white paper with the black target from an printer. When I used an off-white target without enough contrast to the black it did not register to well.

The target at your range appears to be not having enough white around the black circle. You have to use a much larger bright white paper.

Last time when I had two targets on the target-frame installed the red dot was jumping back and forth, with one single target the problem was solved.

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I'm experiencing very similar problems. First time I used my MX-W2 I used it with usb connection and it worked perfectly. Second time I tried both wifi and usb but had a very bad session with shots not registering all the time. I was shooting (dry-fire) at 50mtrs on a very sunny day but with the target in deep shade. I tried both with and without the diaphragm but saw no difference. I'm going to try putting the target in clear sunlight today and also experiment with a scaled down target at 18mtrs. Fingers crossed!
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The problem was solved when I used bright white paper with the black target from an printer
Hi, Willi's suggestion is the best one to me. It is the closest to what I experienced and also tested indoor with 10m shooting targets. I don't mean that it is the only explanation but I think the major one. In addition it entirely covers the diaphragm point: In photography it is well known that a closer diaphragm also diminishes the overall contrast.

By the way this may be a point worth considering by Scatt in the user's guide: The main purpose of the so-called "iris" is to lower the overall amount of light in order not to saturate the sensor, which is necessary indeed when the target itself is too bright, but I don't remember reading that it also significantly affects contrast. @Willi rightfully noticed that in the present case that the target is in the shade and the contrast around the bullseye very low.

This also means that the Scatt user's guide should not present the iris as compulsory using outside (or make it understood so), but should present outside situations as a contradiction between overall light and light in the center, the iris being a way to find the most acceptable light correction. In photography this is called the "dynamic" of the field and not always easy solving.
Maybe replacing "iris" with "diaphragm" would help correct the confusion.

Providing the Scatt with two or three of these parts with different inner diameters would also facilitate setup for users in such outside situations (although at a cost).
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Amateur/Hobby Shooter
Sep 9, 2019
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I tested blue mode today with the older expert software. It worked until the 4th string then no pickup of shots. Then, I switched to yellow mode and all shots were registered.
Hello there,

It honestly feels like not a connectivity issue, but either:
1) Lighting conditions changing over the course of your range day (if that's the case, go ahead and utilize the Iris)
2) The sensor is just oing idle after some time (set by default in the setting)

First of all, feel free to install the latest version of Expert we've recently released
There are some WiFi connectivity improvements in store

Then go ahead and follow this screenshot guide below to make sure your device doesn't simply go idle after some time
Here you can type in, let's say, 3000 seconds (or more)
This should be more than enough for a good session
